Redesign Promo page in App

Yoga Pratama H
3 min readJul 7, 2019 in dekstop preview

Background is a well-known online ticket booking platform accessible through a website or app. It offers a wide range of products for travel and leisure needs. The company’s strategy to boost sales, attract customers, and foster customer loyalty involves offering promotional features. In my opinion, has successfully sparked interest in its ticket services through its promotions, as evidenced by eye-catching banners that direct users to view more details on mobile apps or websites. However, I have encountered some drawbacks when exploring promotional pages on the mobile app, compared to the informative look on the website.


A while back, I started using the mobile app and was greeted with an intriguing welcome from the promotional banner on the home screen, which drew me in.

Home screen

Thus far, we have discovered 9 alluring banners from different promotional categories, including flights, hotels, trains, car rentals, attractions, and events. Each banner is easily recognizable due to the icons representing its category. However, we have encountered an issue on the train promotional banner when the user accesses the promotional page, as described below:

Upon accessing the intended page, we are presented with numerous promotions. However, I believe that the efficiency of the promotional page could be improved, as it currently has a lengthy menu. As demonstrated in the example [where only a few items are displayed, the menu is actually quite extensive], we are continually shown images and must scroll extensively to find what we’re looking for. Typically, we only need to view one category, so it would be more convenient if they incorporated a “Jump to Category” design and displayed the category names at the top, allowing us to easily jump to the desired promotional category without the need for excessive scrolling to find available promo tickets.

So, how can users swiftly dive into the promotional categories they desire and uncover more information about the promos? My initial thought was that it may be based on a fast-approaching deadline. However, it seems to be randomly arranged. Another possibility is sorting by categories, with options arranged from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to locate this feature.

What IF

I also imagine how to overcome this problem. I think only needs to add a Category menu based on existing categories.

My focus is on the Category button at the top of the screen. Users will tend to see what options are available in the category menu section as soon as they enter the promotion page. Placing a category button in a safe zone will make users understand where they will access the next step. After pressing the sub category button, the user will be given a choice with three choices available, so that the user can immediately understand what category they are entering. In addition, users can also directly access other categories without having to return to the Main page.


Users will be able to easily search for the promo they are looking for with each type of their choice, so avoid long periods of searching further down, in the next feature I might add a sort and grid option at the bottom of the screen with floating style.


